CARDev Ghana

Our Objectives

CARD operates to achieve its aims and objectives under the following Nine (9) Module Programs:  

Module 1: Agriculture and Food Security (AFS) Program

Module 2: Afforestation and Land Restoration (ALR) Program

Module 3: Livestock and Veterinary Service (LVS) Program

Module 4: Entrepreneurship and Skill Development (ESD) Program.

Module 5: Water and Sanitation Program (WSP).

Module 6: Community Health and Nutrition Program(HNP).

Module 7: Education and Academic Development (EAD) Program

Module 8: Peace and Security Program (PSP).

Module 9: Resource and Infrastructural Development (RID) Program


Our Objectives towards Sustainable Rural Development:

  1. To modernize and strengthen the Rural Community Human Resource Development structures and leadership administration for sustainable community development through financial and material resource mobilizations and supports.
  2. Increase access to quality and affordable quality education and health care supports and services respectively among rural communities and the marginalized people in the society, through alternative sources of income, advocacy and job creation for self-supports.
  3. To convert the great human resource energy into financial resource to build rural economy for their own benefit, through the sustainable livelihood support programs and activities.
  4. To make social amities like farm inputs and Agriculture processing schemes and factories (tractors, fertilizers, chemicals, grinding mails etc.) accessible to RCs.
  5. To create and increase job opportunities in RCs for poverty eradication, and to reduce Rural Urban Migration (RUM) among the youth.
  6. To make Rural Communities a Charity and Philanthropist Institutions/Organizations to themselves, widows, orphans, poor and needy in their respective communities.
  7. To beautify the environments and save guide the ecosystem through the innovative sustainable afforestation programs and activities.
  8. To increase water accessibility in rural communities, through the adaptation of best water management policies and technologies.
  9. Promote job opportunities in rural communities to facilitate global development agenda.
  10. To prevent land and leadership conflicts (that lead to property destruction, promotion of poverty and hunger) in the RCs, through the codification and documentation of the existing traditional and Chieftaincy and Landownership Acquisition Requirements and Procedures (CLARP) into Customary Law to achieve sustainable peace for sustainable development.
  11. To promote the culture of unity, peace and security among rural communities for collective responsibility in achieving local, regional, national, continental, intercontinental and global development plans, such as the United Nations, 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which aims to be achieved by the year 2030.

It is our hope that, the stated objectives should have the following results when implemented:

Result 1: Children with special needs accessed quality basic, secondary and tertiary education

Result 2: Deprived communities acquired basic school blocks and enrolled their kids to promote early childhood education.

Result 3: Rural community households increased in food security and alternative income opportunities through the integrated-tree-crops and livestock farming.

Result 4: Rural communities achieved sustainable afforestation through innovative tree planting

Result 5: Poor Parents acquired skills and alternative income opportunities (such as rearing of sheep entrepreneurship skill training programs) to cater for their kids in school for quality education in the absence of external aid.

Result 6:  Availability of a Skill Training Centers (STCs) to provide sustainable skill training programs among the youth and vulnerable groups for job opportunities and self-employment.

Result 7: Jobless youth acquired knowledge in Technical Vocational Skills under STCs and achieved self-employment and job opportunities for poverty eradication.

Result 8: Young Women and Girls accessed entrepreneurship skills and job opportunities in Food Vending/Restaurant Entrepreneurships and skills to increase in income generation.

Result 9: Rural women accessed entrepreneurship skills, increased in job opportunities and alternative sources of income (such as beekeeping and dry season vegetable farming) to feed and support their families for better life.

Result 10: Rural community schools got access to school feeding program through collective responsibility in food provision to increase school enrolments and attendances towards achieving quality education for better future.

Result 11: Rural communities accessed and increased in sustainable portable drinking water, through the drilling of mechanized boreholes with solar pump facilities and water harvesting facilities.

Result 12: Rural communities acquired Grain Banks under established Centers for Agriculture and Resource Development (CARD) for storing and adding value to their farm produces and reducing food insecurity and poverty among themselves.

Result 13: Rural urban communities reduced in recurring land ownership and leadership conflicts, through the codification of their existing land ownership and leadership requirements and procedures into Customary Law as a means for sustainable peace for sustainable development (SP4SD).

Result 14: DGVVETAE is introduced and being taught as a Sustainable Peace Program in rural communities and schools for the children to spread and contribute to global peace, knowledge in conflict management and reduce risk of unexpected conflicts that could affect investments and global development in many ways.

Expected Impacts of our Objective/ Activity Results:  

Impact 1: Poor orphans and needy children/students obtained basic, secondary and tertiary education with literacy background, job opportunities and self-employment jobs.

Impact 2: Every rural community in our operation areas has at least 5 to 30 youth and children with literacy/quality education background.

Impact 2: Enhancement of quality human resource capacity and volunteering spirit in the society for the service of the vulnerable and marginalized people for inclusive and participatory decision making and development of communities in promotion of social accountability and good governance.

Impacts 4: Reduction of the effect of unemployment, underemployment and idleness by redirecting “wasting” human energies into useful productive interventions through the vocational and skill training programs and activities implemented.

Impacts 5: Acceleration of community complementation of government and NGOs projects through the well-established community Based Human Resource Development Structures (CBHRDS), the income generation programs and activities.

Impacts 6: Acquisition of relevant skills on-job training and adequate preparation among the youth, women and people with disabilities for subsequent/continue improvement in their lives.

Impacts 7: Comfortability and appreciation of skill profession among the youth and the most vulnerable people by feeling a sense of belongingness to their own communities and the project support that has enabled them become satisfied after they have undergone the useful training programs.

Impacts 8: Affordability and accessibility of educational resources by parents/guardians to give, support and sustain their kids’ education beyond the project donor funding period to obtain quality primary, secondary, vocational and tertiary education for job opportunity and self-employment, through the supports they (parents/guardians) received under the Poverty Graduation (PG) and Self-Sustaining Programs (SSP) of the project.

Impacts 9: Increased capacity in job creation and income generation in the RCs and the nation as a whole.

Impacts10: Equal opportunities and rights for all group of humans in the society with regard to economic, financial and material resources, as well as inclusive decision making and job opportunity.

Impacts11: Prevention/reduction of rural urban migration among the youth in search for jobs, through the job creation opportunities at home that has made the rural communities a better place to live.

Impacts12: Increased in literacy and academic development level among rural communities, and the nation as a whole.

Impacts13: Promotion/achievement of local, national, continental and global socioeconomic development policies, such as districts medium term development plan on job creation, national youth implement program on reduction of unemployment and job creation, Ghana LEAP program on poverty reduction and the UN 17 SDGs towards global development by the year 2030; through the livelihood empowerment programs and activities.

Our Basic Needs for Successful Operation and Achievement: Besides financial and material resource supports (including means of transportation and staff salaries) for projects effective implementation and administrative management from the general public, individual philanthropists, and charity/donor organizations within and outside Ghana, we equally need volunteers who are experts in community development and our Nine Module Programs listened above for effective operation to achieve our target objectives. We are also ready to be engaged by any individual or organization for data collection or project implementation on their behalf, when there are much busy or find it difficult to do so by themselves at anywhere.