CARDev Ghana



Orphans and Students Aid

Iddrisu Ayisha Mbangba is a 16-year-old orphan girl, and academically good, who got admission to Tamale SHS (TAMASCO) in March, 2021 at Tamale Main SDA, but her poor mother as a widow, could not afford to buy her school materials and other basic needs to be admitted into the school. In their search for help, got in touch with CARD/ROCCAD Ghana, and her needs were provided as seen in the pictures attached.

Widows Economic Aid

With the struggles for survival and better socioeconomic living, Ayisha’s Mother, Awudu Suweiba, as a seamstress approached us at our northern regional office branch in Tamale with request for financial support (GHS9, 430.00) in November 2021, to open a tailoring Shop to enable her generate income to care for her two orphan girls in terms of their education, food security other basic needs. Unfortunate, we could not honor their demand, but we have taken up their concerns by writing and appealing to donors, friends and individual philatelists to assist in this regard below are their details.

Self-Sustaining Program (SSP) Widows and Needy women

In order to ensure Gender equality and economic justice, we do support women in farming activities, including rice, soya beans sesame farming and rearing of livestock to raise funds to support themselves and their children for better life. Besides the farm produce, we give them skill trainings for financial and economic independence.

Back to School and Preschool Enrolment Program

As a result of the conflict and the COVID-19, schools were closed down for over a year, and that led to the drop out of many children, especially the girl – child, because their parents could not provide them their basic needs back to school. Many children are also over seven years but are not attending school, due to the distance between their communities and where the schools are located. So, we introduced the school enrolment programs to enable them get access to basic education at the early stages in their lives.

Rural Women Economic Empowerment:

CARD providing financial support to rural women in shea butter production and farming activities to support themselves and their families in northern Ghanaindependence.

Physical Challenged Aid (PCA)

Mahmud Dramani is a physically challenged orphan of 20 years old, born to Dramani, deceased, and Amina, widowed in Tacheku, a village under Chereponi who came to our outfit for help to acquire a wheel chair to enable him go to school. We got him the wheel chair and he is currently attending Tacheku D/A primary School.

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